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Monday, March 12, 2012

Downtown 2-Banger

I take 1 day off, and I miss a downtown second alarm. Yes, downtown, which means its in the first due, also it was my engine/truck day...Naturally, the exact second that it came out I had already received a text from Thor (who by divine intervention actually missed a working fire) saying I was missing a worker. This was followed by, "Oh yea and they just struck a second..." Anyway, over the course of the next 12 hours, several (all) of the guys on my shift ("C") in both the first and second battalion, made sure I was aware of the fact that I missed a 2-banger, so thanks. Well, since I wasn't there, I'll give you the rundown as best as I can. The first alarm assignment looked something like this: E1, E2, E4, T1, R1, M1, B1, B2, and EMS-2. E1 arrived first on scene, reporting fire and heavy smoke coming from the 5th floor on the 8th St. side (side D). Upon notification of a working fire, T1's officer, struck a second alarm, which brought E6 and T2. M4 and M6 were also added due to the occupancy of the building. Quick side note, Steve Ripley (3-B), who apparently catches every working fire in Lynchburg, just happened to be on the second alarm riding backwards on T2, figures. E1's crew humped the high rise to the 5th and hooked up to the standpipe. E1 and M1 entered the involved apartment and were met with a well involved room and contents fire. M1 found the fire and performed a primary of the apartment, while E1 worked on extinguishment. T1 performed ventilation and searches. All other incoming units performed the rest of the necessary fire ground tasks, including the rest of the primary and secondary searches on non-involved floors, water supply and RIT. Miles Tranks (R1-C) in typical fashion, was fully dressed and packed up before setting the parking brake on the Rescue, and up 5 flights of stairs, waiting, before Kenny and Stewart (the other squad guys) had even exited the truck.

I had some pictures of the involved apartment, but I can't find them, sorry. This all went down on 03/03/2012. So, to catch up on some more recent activities, it turns out that St. 6, who notoriously, have been the most consistently busy station in the city (engine and medic) for a couple years, couldn't bring the pain like M1 did last workday. We pulled in 16 runs for the shift, although, we only transported probably 10 or so.  Now, I know that number seems low but we probably didn't run our first call until about 2pm. That day the rest of the station got to do the normal Friday maintenance.

I just want to point out the enthusiam that Pebble shows while sweeping the back of the medic. This will probably be the longest post yet, but since I have pictures of B- shifters playing around in the Blizzard of '12, I might as well put them up for your viewing pleasure.

Grass is mowed, kitchen is cleaned, leftovers are put away, and Ripley is driving the Engine...the night is young.

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