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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

C-Shift Catches Afternoon Job

Battalion 1 and 2 C-shift members caught a working fire late this afternoon off Lakeside Dr. The run card punched out E3, E6, E1, T1, R1, BC1, BC2, and M6 for a structure fire in an apartment complex. EMS-2 and M3 added themselves and responded with the initial assignment. E2 ended up being added due to the size and involvement of the complex. M6 arrived first and confirmed that it would be a working fire with flames and smoke coming out of an exterior basement apartment window. Because E3 was clearing from a medical, they arrived as first suppression unit and put good fast knock on the fire and kept it contained to room of origin. Also the fire really didn't a stand a chance with Capt. K. Turner and T. Guthrie on the line...Gods among men.

We (T1) cleared from that and went on to a CO call in Rivermont then headed home to a delicious dinner of Country style BBQ Ribs, mixed greens, and Pebble's mac 'n' cheese. As it stands now, the Eng. Co sits on 5 runs, and the Truck Co. on 4. I lost track of the Medic, b/c we haven't seen them but one time today...roll call. Kitchen is cleaned, beds made, Top Gun is on, enough said. Until next time...

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